+ESTIMATED Value Subject to Exclusion calculation $:
Income $:
Land Volume (Size / Acreage):
Land Value :
- Up to 1 acre Homesite ONLY :
- All other land - acreage / residual :
- Assessed at PUV, if applicable :
Assessed Historic Deferment :
Qualifying Dwelling Value :
- Qualifying Dwelling (Primary Residence or Real Property MH) Value:
- Personal Property MH Value:
Value of other related improvements:
- Detached Garage :
- Carport / Canopy :
- Swimming Pool :
- Bath House :
- Tennis Court :
- Utility Storage :
- All other related improvements:
All other non-related Improvements :
Total Appraised Value (Market value) of Parcel:
Real Property Residential Value:
Amount of Tax Relief (Assessed value Excluded):
Assessed Value of the above portion after Exclusion is Applied:
Plus assessed value for other property not eligible for Exclusion:
Total Assessed value for Parcel:
Tax Rate %:
ESTIMATEDElderly/Disabled Analysis
Exclusion Income Eligibility Limit:
Exclusion (Mimimum) Amount Value:
Meet Income Test:
Excluded Amount:
Taxable Amount:
Taxes Due:
ESTIMATEDCircuit Breaker Analysis
Circuit Breaker Income Limit:
Meets Income Test:
Subject to 4% or 5% :
Total Possible Taxes:
Max. Taxes Allowed by Circuit Breaker:
Taxes Due:
***Taxes Deferred***:
ESTIMATEDCurrent Year Tax Savings
Under Elderly/Disabled (compared to Circuit Breaker):
Under Circuit Breaker (compared to Elderly/Disabled):
Under the Low-Income Homestead Exclusion Program, there are no deferred liens against the property.
Under the Circuit Breaker Program, deferred taxes become a lien against the property and are subject to collection by the County when the property loses the classification. At the time of a disqualifying event, it is possible that the most recent year plus three prior years of deferred taxes associated with the Circuit Breaker become due and payable.
*** Disclaimer***
Please be advised that THE DECISION ANALYSIS INFORMATION ISONLY AN ESTIMATIONof tax relief based upon information from the prior tax year rate(s) and valuation records that we currently have on file. The rate and the valuation could change due to various reasons. Current year tax rates are typically available after July 1st and the valuation information could change due to a countywide revaluation or possible addition or demolition factors which have effected the property.
All information contained within this portion of the Guilford County website is Public Record and is maintained and provided in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 132. View Statute
Location: 400 West Market St, Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 & 325 E. Russell Ave., High Point, North Carolina 27260
Phone: (336) 641-3812
Email: ethomps@guilfordcountync.gov
The Billing & Collections records provided herein represent information as it currently exists in the Guilford County tax system. This data is subject to change daily. Guilford County makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this data. Furthermore, this office assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data.